Thursday, 7 September 2017

The Star Theory

Richard Dyer's Star Theory

The Star Theory is split into 3 different areas:
The star as a construction
Dyer states that a star is just a construction and is not a real person. The star is created through magazines, music videos and advertising.

The star as an ideology
Stars will often represent different social groups and points of views.
Due to this many fans will attmpt to copy their favourite fans with their style. This is mainly for fans who's favourite stars share similar views.
An example of this is Beyoncé who's fans have similar views to her. Her views on how women should be independent means that many of her female fans hold her in high regard.
The star as a commodity
The main reason stars are created is because of the money that they can generate. This is from the merchandise that they can sell for example posters.
There is often trends that record labels know for certain will help make them money and that is why there are often similar stars at the same label.

Dyer has also proposed the 'paradox of the star'
The star must be both ordinary and extraordinary:
  • The star must be ordinary enough to let the audience relate th them, but they must be extradordinarily talented to make them a star.
The star must be both present and absent:
  • The star must also be present in the fans lives through social media and merchandising however they must be out of reach of ordinary people in order to make them absent. 

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