Saturday, 28 October 2017

Target Audience Questionnaire and Results

Questionnaire Results Analysis

How old are you?
My questionnaire was mainly answered by people in the age range of 15 - 19. My target audience is teenagers and young adults and this is why I mainly asked 15 - 19 and 20+.

My target audience is predominantly male and this is why I asked more males to take part in my questionnaire, however as people can enjoy whatever music they wish to it means that I have included females in the study as the countertype and to see their opinions.

How many music videos do you watch in a week?
On average, my target audience watches 1 to 3 music videos a week, with the next highest being 4 to 6. This shows that my target audience does like to watch music videos, but will not spend all of their time watching it. They will often play a music video in the background and just listen to the music. 

Which location would be best for a music video for 'Gang Related'?
The most popular location for the music video is the streets according to my target audience. This is because the streets would be the most appropriate for a song about living in a gang filled environment. The second most popular location is a car park, which will help with the realism of the music video.
What techniques should be used in the video?
The most popular choices for techniques to be used in the music video are black and white shots and quick-cuts. I was planning on using these techniques in the video and it is good that the target audience agrees with me. 
What type of music video would you like it to be?
The most popular type of music video is contemporary, which is a mixture of types. My plan for the video is to have a storyline, which will incorporate black and white filters, while also having a performance by the artist. 
What extras would be good for the video?
The most popular extra for the music video is gang members, followed by dealers and police. These all link to life on the streets and can be incorporated into the narrative side of the video. The storyline side of the music video can focus on the characters and people that live in these areas (Gang members and dealers).

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